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rc varshavskiy

2022-06-12 10:11 apartments from 60m2 to 160m2

More recently, we learned that Chinese lanterns and hot air balloons, which are correctly called hot air balloons, operate on the same principle - they rise up due to heated air. Interestingly, hot air balloons first appeared not in France, as is commonly believed, but all in the same China. At the beginning of the 14th century, court magicians, for the amusement of the emperor, filled the sphere with smoke and released it into flight.

Similar experiments continued in different centuries, in different countries and on different continents, until in the 18th century a resident of Portugal, Bartolomeu de Guzman, created a model of an aircraft that rose 4 meters into the air. Perhaps he should be considered a pioneer. There is no evidence of whether he could take to the air himself, so the first aeronauts are believed to be a duck, a sheep and a chicken, who flew 4 kilometers in a balloon created by the brothers Jacques-Etienne and Joseph-Michel Montgolfet on September 19, 1783. The event took place at Versailles in front of King Louis XVI. Less than a month later, people went on air travel - the scientist Pilatre de Rozier and the Marquis d'Arlande.

This is how flights became available to mankind. Or rather, for men, because hot air balloons became available to women later - in 1784, Mrs. Thible in Lyon spent almost two and a half, I want to believe, unforgettable hours in the air. In the 20th century, their varieties appeared in the USA - hopper balls for one balloonist. There are no baskets in them, but only leashes like a parachute.

And despite the fact that hot air balloon flights have already become commonplace, the sight of flying balloons still causes a nagging expectation of a miracle. We see the same anticipation in the eyes of our clients when we walk into their apartment together, where there is a slight sweet smell of fresh paint and where sunbeams play on the smooth surface of the new parquet. It's times like these that we love our work. And in order for you to have such minutes and hours, call our Belik design studio - we will implement a turnkey apartment renovation for you in Kyiv, the price of which will be relevant to your budget, and we will tell you what the price of apartment renovation in Kyiv is made up of, we will organize repairs in cottage, house or townhouse.

Our next project was also filled with moments of happiness - an apartment located in the Varshavsky residential complex. The total area of ​​​​the apartment is 72.2 square meters and there will be three people living in it for the time being - a husband, wife and their baby.

The girl is barely a month old, so her parents cannot yet afford to go out without her often. However, they are determined to keep the feelings in their relationship, which is why they asked our designers to make a special place for them for late romantic dinners.

The area of ​​​​the kitchen-living room is 21.4 square meters, on which we have allocated space for a sofa and a coffee table for family parties - parents, brother and wife come to our customers.

We placed the relaxation area as close as possible to the kitchen - so the owner of the apartment, who loves to cook, will communicate more with her husband and guests.

Near the soft corner, we placed the Eleganza G floor lamps from Anzazo. In lighting design, the main thing is to create several light sources located at different levels - from the ceiling to floor lamps. So we form a variability of light that is comfortable for the eyes.

Vinyl flooring is technically equivalent to porcelain stoneware, which is traditionally chosen for the kitchen. We have replaced the tiles with vinyl laminate with a high level of wear resistance.

Passage One pendants from Anzazo are responsible for the overhead light above the dining table. In a small niche between the ceiling and the wall panel, we built an LED strip that will allow you to dine comfortably even without an upper central light.

We “sewn up” the kitchen apron with chipboard in the color Bardolino Oak gray from the Austrian company Egger. It is produced with traces of sawing, which enhances the impression of handmade.

The only bright accent color in the interior was a complex shade of green - dark turquoise. He revived the color palette of the apartment and its owners, avoiding unnecessary expenses, will quickly change it to another when they want a change.

The living room and the working part of the kitchen are illuminated by smart Yeelight LED Ceiling Lamps from Xiaomi. They use LEDs with a high level of color rendering, which allow you to see color without distortion, which is especially important in the kitchen when cooking.

Interestingly, window sills appeared earlier than windows. And they served so that the archers could lean on them when they fired from the loopholes. Later, in France, when the windows became more similar to their modern counterparts, at the court of King Philip the Handsome, flowers began to be placed on the windowsills. And they were so carried away by this that the space by the window began to resemble a greenhouse.

Perhaps it was then, in France, that they began to put pillows on the windowsills, turning them into couches where it was convenient to read in daylight - before the discovery of electricity, one had to wait another six centuries. Most often, such soft window sills are called French.

We effectively use the entire space of our clients' apartments. In this interior, we created a variation on the theme of the French window sill, placing an upholstered couch close to the window opening and making it part of the working area.

For the entrance group, the designers of the Belik studio chose Maytoni spotlights, the light of which, reflected in the mirror, increases the illumination of the space.

For the decor of the front door, we chose chipboard from the Austrian factory Egger in champagne fleetwood color, matching it with a mirror shelf of the same color. This manufacturer is known for its materials that replicate the natural texture of wood as much as possible.

If you and I are already carried away by history, let's continue. The tradition of starting a room with a hallway appeared in ancient Mesopotamia in the 4th century BC. There, her role was played by a small covered courtyard.

The ancient Greeks received guests in the hallways, whom they did not want to invite into the inner rooms. They could have several hallways in their house, for which for the first time in history they began to create furniture. We don't know if they had hangers. However, for the entrance hall of our clients, we have planned both a built-in wardrobe and an open hanger for outerwear.

The bedroom is not only a place to relax, especially when a young family with a small child lives in it. It is also a nursery, an office, a boudoir and a lounge area.

Opposite the bed, we placed a TV, storage systems for books and documents, a dressing table. In the finishing coatings of the furniture, we repeated the same materials as in the space of the entire apartment - light untreated wood and white matte surfaces.

You are probably wondering when the first bedrooms appeared. Recently. Before the 18th century, even wealthy people slept, worked, and sometimes ate and kept their pets in the same room.

By the way, the tradition of combining a bedroom with a boudoir has been around for many years. The bedroom contained bedding, dowry, cosmetics and clothes. Perhaps that is why it is now customary to connect the main bedroom of the apartment with a dressing room and bathroom.

In design, the most difficult thing is to create a timeless or “endless”, as the British say, interior and use fresh trends that will not become temporary. In order to create a balance between the actual and the eternal, our designers are always on the lookout for interesting decorative solutions.

We have already told you that carpets are back in trend and it looks like they will be in it for a very long time. Any even the most creative trend has a clear rationale. On the one hand, the economic crisis and the increase in prices for utility bills will force people to be more careful with resources and fill the space with objects that will store and give warmth. On the other hand, the lockdown and the need to spend more time at home will encourage them to create a warmer and more friendly atmosphere.

For this interior, we chose a Tie-Dye print, which is now fashionable. It first appeared in ancient China and was called shibori. In Europe, it became extremely popular in the 70s of the last century during the heyday of the hippie culture.

They adopted from the ancient Chinese a peculiar method of dyeing fabric by tying, winding, stitching the fabric, which results in an unpredictable result of uneven dyeing, which is also called nodular.

We don't know why Almera Ceramica named its collection after Athena, the goddess of war, but we do know why we chose it for the bathroom – it matches the color of the furniture perfectly, creating a neutral backdrop.

In 1539, under King Francis I, in his castle of Fontainebleau, the floor was laid out by Italian masters with a pattern that would later be called the “French herringbone”, although the French themselves call it “broken sticks”, by analogy with a drum roll with short and long intervals.

To illuminate the bathroom, we selected spotlights with a high level of IP - index, which shows its moisture and dust resistance.

Although the French herringbone pattern is most often used on the floor, we decided to experiment, which was supported by our customers and used this pattern on the wall. Its characteristic feature is that the parquet consists of left and right slabs, the narrow sides of which are beveled at an angle of 30, 45 or 60 degrees.

As you have already noticed, we have abandoned the usual bathroom screens, offering instead stylish glass partitions that protect the room from splashing water.

As a floor covering, we have selected porcelain stoneware from the Polish factory Opoczno from the Lake Stone collection in Lappato color.

We laid out the “French Christmas tree” with the help of tiles from the Spanish factory Baldocer from the Larchwood Alder collection.

In the bathroom, you should always plan storage systems - they are needed not only for cosmetics, but also for detergents, which should always be at hand.

"Nod" in English means "nod". This is how the Anzazo factory named its lamp, the designers of which the ceiling of the lamp reminded the bowed head of a man.

In the children's room, we organized a workplace by expanding the area under the window - so the girl will have more light and space to study.

In addition to the bed and the workplace, the designers of the Belik studio have planned an extensive wardrobe, one of the doors of which has a mirror surface that visually enlarges the space.

Psychologists say that for a good mood and a productive life, the child in the room should have three clearly separated zones - for sleep, work and play. We fully agree with scientists and happy parents, our clients, confirm the correctness of the design of children's rooms designed by our designers.

The parents of the little mistress of this room are people who are passionate about sports. Among their hobbies are snowboarding and cycling. They also involve their daughter in sports and asked her to develop a sports corner for her.

We made the most of the space by organizing an interactive place for sports, equipping it with a wall bar, rings and a rope.

For a child, every piece of decor, furniture or lighting can become a toy or a textbook. Our designers take this into account and make the design of the nursery meaningful. For a one year old baby, we have chosen Animal Atlas wallpaper that will give her an idea of ​​the world and the animals that inhabit it, and over which she will fly fearlessly in a hot air balloon.

For the sleeping area, we have selected a carpet whose colors harmonize with the palette of bedspreads and wall decor.

We achieved the effect of natural moonstone using porcelain stoneware from the Sunlight collection in Sand Crema Gres color from the Polish factory Paradyz Ceramica.

Tiles laid out horizontally make a narrow room visually wider. Our craftsmen took advantage of this effect when they worked on one of the walls of the guest bathroom, choosing a tile measuring 60 by 30 centimeters.

In the "expansion" of the space, we were helped by the Polish factory Paradyz Ceramica, which created the Sunlight collection, from which we chose the structured tile Sand Crema A Struktura Sciana.

Porcelain tile from the Zen Honey collection by the Italian brand Flaviker was chosen for the floor.

In this space, we have achieved the main thing - we made all square meters “work”, getting rid of the corridors. Yes, most often they cannot be avoided, and we endow them with an additional function. However, our designers try to design the interior in such a way that the corridors take up as little usable space as possible.

Contact our design studio Belik - we will create a functional space for you, implement an apartment renovation in Kyiv, the price of which will be comfortable for you, plan a house renovation in Kyiv or cottage renovation in Kyiv. The price for apartment renovation in Kyiv is different, we will tell you what the cost of the work of our builders consists of. Understanding leads to success!

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