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Do you know when the first fairy tales appeared? We are not. Probably no one can answer this question for sure. Apparently, when people had a need for heroes, miracles, to pass on wisdom and experience from older generations to younger ones, then they began to compose the first fairy tales. The names of the authors have not been preserved; later the tales were reworked and adapted by writers and poets.

Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland is considered the most popular fairy tale in the world. After it comes "Beauty and the Beast" by the Frenchman Charles Perrault. Behind her - "Cinderella" of his own authorship. Then "The Adventure of Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi. Perhaps, among our children, the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" is the most popular. At least most of the participants in the Belik design agency in Kyiv remembered this slightly psychedelic tale about a selfless girl and her naughty brother. And everyone, as one, remembered the lines of her ending, because it sounds the same as hundreds of other fairy tale endings: "They lived, lived and made good."

Why are we talking about this? Because it was in this form that our customers described their future when we asked about it. We always ask this question in order to clearly understand the prospects for family growth and the potential for changes that we must lay in the interior. We asked this question to a family of four - father and mother - 42 years old, and two daughters - 13 and 7 years old. And they received the following answer: "We plan to live, live and make good." Sounds like a plan, doesn't it? And this plan was to be implemented in a house located in the city of Irpen. We have already created interior design in Kyiv, it's time to conquer the satellite city of the capital of Ukraine.

Our customers were set to experiment. They were especially attracted by the opportunity to play with color, even with the most unexpected, heavy shades. The palette of earthy colors of this interior is diverse. It resembles paintings by Dutch masters. Indeed, looking at this dining room, Vincent van Gogh's The Potato Eaters comes to mind. Not a theme, of course, but a color scheme.

The main palette of colors and materials is based on black and gray in combination with the rich texture of American walnut, with which we sewed even the backsplash of the kitchen work area.

Guests are not so frequent in this family, so we planned the dining area closest to the kitchen for a minimum number of people.

Stone veneer in terms of its characteristics and value is close to onyx and amber. Do you want to know why? First, it is a translucent material that transmits light. This means that LED lamps can be installed under it, whose light will dimly burn from under the stone veneer.

The main shade of gray in which we implemented the interior is called anthracite. This is a deep and noble tone, from which it actually breathes warmth. Do you know why?

Anthracite is the oldest of all types of coal. Its thermal conductivity is extremely high, about 6800-8350 kcal/kg.

The production of stone veneer is akin to jewelry art - slate rocks are divided into thin layers, whose thickness reaches 0.3 or 2.5 millimeters. The technology of its manufacture appeared in the 19th century. However, in the Roman Colosseum, the construction of which began in 72 AD there are elements made of marble veneer. Design studios in Kyiv have all the information about modern design and its history.

Closed cabinets only! This is how the customers described their main vision of the future furniture. They wanted as many cabinets as possible, the main advantage of which would be not in aesthetics, but in functionality.

We, of course, fulfilled their wishes. However, they added a play of textures by mixing vertical and horizontal slatted coatings.

At the entrance, we organized a zone where you can leave your outerwear, shoes, check everything is in order before leaving, and correct your makeup.

Sliding doors with a horizontal slatted pattern hide a closet and spacious shelves for shoes and accessories.

We sewed up all transit zones with wooden slats and elements. Each of the corners is covered with a protective material that also performs a decorative function. Design studios in Kyiv think through all the features of the interior.

Since the daughters of the owners of the apartment are extremely active and their parents like it, our task was to protect the space around them from their games and activities.

The principles of building the first stairs are described in Egyptian papyri of the 1st-4th centuries BC. And the oldest staircase was found in an Austrian salt mine - it was built 5000 BC.

We design stairs in interiors so that they serve as long as possible. In this house, the main thing for us, in addition to creating an aesthetic staircase, was to make it as safe as possible for active children.

Both daughters of the owners of the house are very active girls. For their skateboards, hoverboards and scooters, we designed cabinets that organically fit into all interior solutions.

We have positioned the handles so that the contents of the cabinets are accessible to both adults and children.

One of the challenging tasks that our designers coped with was the arrangement of functional light on the ceiling of a complex configuration.

We completed one of the points of the technical task and organized spaces for two full-fledged bathrooms, one of which will belong to the daughters of the owners of the house, and the other, the master, will belong to them.

We have thought of many necessary elements in them, including a dryer for hygiene items and towels.

Spanish tiles have long occupied a leading position in the world. Here it is a matter of natural conditions, and historical traditions, and a mixture of cultures that led to the emergence of original patterns and patterns.

For the bathroom, we chose Venis Persa Silver, a Spanish tile that continues the color palette set by the main rooms.

A varied lighting scenario is one of the points of the technical assignment prepared by our customers. They wanted their home to have cold and warm lighting, functional and decorative.

In the master bedroom, we placed a slatted wall behind the head of the bed. In combination with hidden lighting, it creates a dramatic play of textures, light and shadow.

The tenants' commitment to functionality can be seen in their bedroom as well. Furniture and decor are extremely laconic and create a single compositional ensemble with elements of other rooms.

The owner of the house offered to consider the option of converting one of the bathrooms into a laundry room.

We, realizing that there are never too many bathrooms, went further and connected the bathroom and the laundry room, creating two functionally independent rooms.

Dusty black, black-gray, deep black - as soon as they call the color anthracite. We chose it for the interior doors of the house.

In the bedroom, in addition to the usual set of furniture, there is also a dressing table installed in hidden storage systems.

We all come from childhood and carpets are firmly in our memory connected with grandmother's apartments. Let's forget about our experience and dive into the world of comfortable and stylish carpets. Let's immerse ourselves and immerse our feet in them when, waking up, we get out of bed.

A nursery for a girl is a task in itself with an asterisk. It is complicated by the fact that the girl is on the verge of her adolescence associated with behavioral and taste changes.

We used the same decorative techniques in the children's rooms as throughout the house. The fact that a friendly family lives in it is read even in the interior.

In the center of the room, we placed a ceiling lamp from the Dutch brand Moooi. It was created by the Dutch designer Bertyan Pot.

The model was named after the poisonous plant Hogweed or Heracleum. Its creator, designer Bertien Pot, fundamentally does not use a computer when designing. We thought that such a thing, carrying an individual approach, would become the conceptual center of the whole room.

In the second daughter's room, we placed all the functional areas - a recreation area, work area, storage systems and a small dressing table.

We tried to make for the girl soft and calm space as possible. For this, in addition to enveloping shades of warm colors, we used round objects.

The circle is a balanced figure. It has no corners and forms a harmonious environment.

Family circle, circle of friends, circle of comrades - whoever comes to visit the family of our customers, they will definitely be from their warm circle.

The owner of the house spends a lot of time working at home. We organized a workspace for him with a comfortable orthopedic chair.

Closed cabinets for storing documents and a sofa for rest complemented the furnishing of the cabinet.

The combination of wood veneer and mirror inserts created an interesting texture game in our customer's office.

For the bathroom, we selected tiles from the Spanish manufacturer Almera Ceramica. Belik is an interior design studio based in Kyiv, however we are fluent in furniture, lighting and materials from all over the world.

We combined Almera tiles with the material of another Spanish factory - Pamesa Ceramica.

The Manaos Earth collection from the manufacturer Pamesa Ceramica offers textures that are absolutely identical to natural materials and colors.

We used tiles to finish the wall, which included a hidden installation for plumbing, open shelves for cosmetics and a closed storage system.

Initially, the owners of the house did not plan anything special on the third floor of the house. They wanted to place ceiling cabinets there to store off-season items, toys, clothes and shoes. It was supposed to be a classic attic.

It did not stay in the attic for long - exactly until the moment when our designers showed their customers their top-level design concepts.

We have designed a complete room in which the whole family and their guests spend time watching movies or playing together.

What about cabinets, you ask? And there was a place for them too. We have made capacious closed storage systems in which the owners of the house put things that they do not yet need.

A sloping ceiling is always a challenge for a designer. First of all, because of the difficulties with the placement of lighting equipment. We solved it by offering multi-level ceiling lamps.

For the final floor covering, we chose the parquet board from the Polish factory Barlinek. Light oak from the Grissini Grande collection contrasts sharply with dark walls and furniture.

Bean bags are the perfect solution for multifunctional rooms. They do not have a heavy frame, which means that you can easily carry them and quickly change your field of activity.

A home theater requires special equipment, as well as specially configured rooms to preserve the depth and power of the sound.

At the very first meeting, the customer surprised us with his thorough approach. He was obviously preparing for the meeting, and looked through many analogues of suburban construction.

The task we started on included creating the interior of the house itself, gazebos for receiving guests and organizing the entire surrounding area.

Does it seem to you that weightless hats are hovering over the table?

You're right, we've chosen Anzazo's Hat lamps to accentuate the airy space of the gazebo.

Although Kyiv is the home of the Belik design studio and we are close to the national culture, we tried to give the gazebo the features of a Japanese house for tea ceremonies.

In it, we arranged everything for cooking, warming up food and for family feasts to take place in a comfortable environment.

We first met a customer who made all the measurements himself and even made drawings in AutoCAD. And although he made, as it seemed to him, the best option for planning the house, we still implemented ours. Still, the experience of our designers allows them to see what others do not see, even if they are specialists with technical education.

The second floor of the house is completely given over to the power of family members - here is the bedroom of the owners of the house, the bathroom and the bedrooms of the daughters, mirroring each other.

As you can see from the floor plan of the top floor, without losing its function as a storage room, we have expanded it to create space for games and entertainment.

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